The client provides life-safety services operating 7 locations on 5 Hawaiian islands plus the mainland. They are the leading security systems provider in the area, whose customers range from residential to commercial.


The client sought to improve the security of their network, improve the reliability of services for remote users, and outsource IT support to a third party.  This outsourcing would allow them to offer IT security support along with their security systems, giving more options to their customers. This was a new field for the client, and they needed guidance from SSI to be able to maintain and support these new functions. 


SSI performed an assessment to capture the IT needs of the client and current IT shortcomings.  An internal and external vulnerability assessment was executed to identify current IT security threats to the client’s network.  Any vulnerability on their side could affect their customer’s systems as well.  SSI designed a solution to connect all offices and remediate the found IT security vulnerabilities.  After the initial design, SSI implemented projects to remediate security vulnerabilities.  The last step was to outsource IT support to SSI with escalation procedures to internal IT resources as necessary.


 During the IT Security Implementation, the following projects were successfully implemented:

  1. Implemented Active Directory Domain to establish security groups, password requirements, file permissions, and enable the implementation of Exchange server email collaboration.
  2. Implemented hardware firewalls at all locations with persistent VPN tunnel to headquarters
  3. Implemented endpoint security on all pcs, laptops, and servers to reduce the risk of viruses and malware.
  4. Implemented secure corporate access to the LAN, improving employee productivity by allowing access to computing resources.
  5. Implemented OS Patch management process and applying backlog of patches dating back to 2004
  6. Outsourced tier1 IT Support, freeing up internal resources to focus on customer-facing services